Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Food Tip #1

So, I don't know how many food tips I have to offer, but I thought this one was worth mentioning. We'll see if I can think of some more to add to the list.

I don't know about you, but I am a person that is perfectly willing to eat the ends of loaves of bread... if there's no other bread in the house. I like crust. I just like the middle slices better, that's all. So what ends up happening is that bread packages with 2 end pieces accumulate in my fridge for weeks and (more realistically) months. Since they're refrigerated they don't get moldy too quickly either. After awhile, though, digging around the multitudes of bags gets annoying so I haul out my food processor and all the bread ends. Then I grind them all up into crumbs and Voila! Bread crumbs for future recipes. Then I put them all in a ziploc bag and stick them in the freezer until they're wanted. Or they get shoved to the back only to be forgotten all over again. Those poor bread ends...

But really. Having a fresh (frozen) supply of bread crumbs is a very smart thing to have and you don't have to buy these.

1 comment:

janae said...

What a brilliant idea! I must confess, I finally got to the point of accepting that we just don't eat the ends, so I throw them away right when I open a new bag of bread. So wasteful!! I just might take a page out of your book on this one!